The human is by definition an open, dynamic, adaptive, dissipative and chaotic system capable of exchanging with the external environment both energy and matter.
How many times have we heard or pronounced "We are what we eat" ? What does it mean? It means that with the power supply we introduce a series of atoms and molecules that will then be to form the various parts of our body Therefore, it is more than possible to get sick for what we eat! This may seem obvious, (especially in the case of allergies or food intolerances, gastro-intestinal pathologies, colitis, inflammations or digestive tract infections) but it is less obvious when talking about skin diseases or respiratory disorders, so Particular asthma.
By definition, bronchial asthma is a chronic inflammatory disease of the airways characterized essentially by a spasm of the bronchi, which become very sensitive to the most varied stimuli. According to the World Health Organization's estimates, it affects about 300 million people in the world and very often underestimates the role of food. There is, in fact, a significant link between respiratory apparatus and digestive system, then between asthma and nutrition, in the most overt cases we talk about real allergies to certain foods that manifest themselves more with respiratory symptoms (asthmatic crisis, Bronchospasm, irritation) more than digestive (nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, pain, dyspepsia..).
A large number of people complain of asthma episodes especially after meals, with appearance of cough, feeling of "compulsion" to the chest and the classic "whistle" that signals an obstruction of the airways. It is spoken in this case of asthma from reflux , asthmatic crises due to the presence in the esophagus of acid coming from the stomach.
The one between asthma and nutrition is a link still largely to be explored, but more and more scientific data seem to indicate that a balanced and «Mediterranean» Diet plays a protective role, while overweight, animal fats and sedentary aggravate the difficulties Respiratory disorders of small asthmatics.


Bronchial Asthma remedies through Diet

The patient with bronchial asthma, unlike a diabetic, celiac, hypertensive etc... it does not need to respect a particular type of diet (unless it is in a condition of overweight or even obesity) but, with small tricks can draw Relief:

- It is preferable to make light and frequent meals during the day, avoiding the "big eats" and, in the evening, to spend a period of 2-3 hours between dinner and bedtime since the horizontal position can favour a slow digestion or reflux
- Prefer simple cooking methods such as boiling, steam, foil, avoiding frying
- Minimize the consumption of alcoholic above in the evening (not only the spirits but also the simple wine, especially the white wine that contains a greater percentage of sulphites!)
- Chew The Food well (the first digestion starts from the mouth!)
- Avoid or limit as much as possible substances that affect the reflux of acid from the stomach such as caffeine, theine, chocolate, mint, alcohol, carbonated drinks, foods rich in fats but also spicy/spicy foods, fatty cheeses, sausages, onions and Sour or elaborate sauces
- They Are fine: green or white tea, white meat, fish, fruits and vegetables (except that which can contribute to burning and acidity like citrus fruits)
A little advice is to sleep in a position not completely horizontal, perhaps tilting the pillow slightly or adding a second in order to limit the influx of acid along the esophagus.

Curated by
Dott.ssa Patalano Myriam Biologist Nutritionist

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